Devil Reverb

Devil Reverb is a free reverb VST, VST3 plugin developed by Devil Soundz. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b.

Devil Reverb is a great sounding reverb for adding that extra melody and warmth to your instrument. Devil Reverb is relatively straight forward and simple to use. Use the reverb knob for adding reverb, Use the width knob for adding stereo width to your reverb making the reverb sound more full and harmonic. Use the low frequency knob for adjusting the low end frequency of the reverb. Use the high frequency knob for adjusting the high end frequency of the reverb. Adjusting the low and high frequencies sets the reverb frequency range. Use the base frequency knob for adjusting the base frequency of the reverb. The frequency range and the base frequency work together. The frequency range sets the range of the reverb and the base frequency sets the starting frequency of the reverb within the frequency range. The frequency q knob for adjusting the frequency q of the reverb. Which adds a little high frequency to the reverb for getting the extra harmonics. The reverb frequency selector is for setting what frequency the reverb starts at. Which works together with the frequency range and base frequency. So the reverb frequency is the starting frequency. The frequency range sets the range with the reverb frequency in the middle of the range. And the base frequency adjusts the reverb frequency up or down a bit. So basically it’s all to fine tune the reverb frequency. Devil Reverb will definitely sound great on whatever instrument you put it on.

You can check out Devil Soundz YouTube channel. Devil Soundz YouTube channel will have all the latest beats, videos and info about Devil Reverb. And don’t forget to like and subscribe. If what you hear is interesting.

Made with FlowStone

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