
VSTWrapperBuilder free wrapper by Hypercube Softwares

VSTWrapperBuilder is a free wrapper VST plugin developed by Hypercube Softwares. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b.

VSTWrapperBuilder is a tool designed to get rid of common issues with VST plug-ins:

  1. Giant menu with VST Shell. Using such thing inside Nuendo or Cubase is a nightmare. Here the solution: Use VSTWrapperBuilder to extract all plugins from the shell and organize them properly on your hard drive. You can define some rules to specify where a given effect must belong to.
  2. Old plugins require the audio buffer to be cleared by the host. With recent hosts this is not done so your famous old plugin can no longer be used. The solution is simple: generate a wrapper with VSTWrapperBuilder checking the column “Old” and that’s all. It will work. The wrapper will fill the audio buffer properly.
  3. Some VST Hosts don’t send effSetSpeakerArrangement to surround plugins. Because of that, they acting in mono most of the time. The solution is also simple: generate a wrapper with VSTWrapperBuilder checking the column “Surround” and that’s all. The plugin will receive automatically a 5.1 configuration. Of course you have to use it on a 5.1 track.



ZynAddSubFX free software-synthesizer by paulnasca 2

VSTServer is a free routing and wrapper plugin developed by Kjetil Matheussen. Compatible OS(s): Linux.

Kjetil Matheussen’s VST server system has evolved to include the following components:

  • A WINE-based server (vstserver).
  • A LADSPA host plugin for VST plugins (vst.so).
  • A native object for hosting VST plugins in the Pure Data environment (k_vst~.pd_linux).
  • A standalone host application for running VST instruments, i.e. VSTi plugins (vsti).



VSTForx free routing | wrapper by samba_godschynski

VSTForx is a free routing and wrapper VST plugin developed by samba_godschynski. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b, macOS.

VSTForx is a creative effect network creation tool which comes as a VST plug-in that can load any number of VST plug-ins and connect them any way you want.

Additional features:

  • Add plug parameter on stage and bind them.
  • Operators for such parameter connection (inverse, offset, EXP, …).
  • I/O step sequencers and switches.
  • Audio2parameter-value modules (e.g. ADSR-trigger, Peak-tracker).
  • Load several VST-instruments and assign them via MIDI-channel.
  • Program/preset chooser.
  • Plugin-editor position and visibility are controllable with knobs.
  • MIDI CC Receiver Node.

{See video at top of page}



VstBoard free routing | wrapper by CtrlBrk

VstBoard is a free routing and wrapper VST plugin developed by CtrlBrk. Compatible OS(s): Windows.

VstBoard is a free, open source, VST host and plug-in. Its main purpose is to allow fast switching between setups and was primarily designed to be used as a guitar multi-fx.


  • Multiple setups per file.
  • Fast switching between setups.
  • Multithreaded.
  • Runs standalone or as a plugin.
  • Free (unrestrained) audio and MIDI routing.
  • Some basic scripting capabilities.
  • Undo/redo, your mistakes, endlessly.
  • Customizable interface (dockable windows, custom colors, zoom, plugins windows size and position).
  • Localized : EngRish and French.
  • Other useless stuff.


VST Audio Plug-ins SDK (C++)

VST Audio Plug-ins SDK (C++) free development-tool | wrapper by Steinberg

VST Audio Plug-ins SDK (C++) is a free development tool and wrapper VST, VST3, Audio Unit, AAX plugin developed by Steinberg. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b, macOS.

Virtual Studio Technology (VST) is developed by Steinberg and first launched in 1996. The SDK/API is freely available to all.

VST creates a full, professional studio environment on your PC or Mac. VST allows the integration of virtual effect processors and instruments into your digital audio environment. These can be software recreations of hardware effect units and instruments or new creative effect components in your VST system. All are integrated seamlessly into VST compatible host applications. These VST modules have the sound quality of the best hardware units, yet are far more flexible. All functions of a VST effect processor or instrument are directly controllable and automatable; either with a mouse or with an external hardware controller. VST also allows easy integration of external equipment, allowing you to put together a system tailor-made to your needs.

Being an open standard, the possibilities offered by VST have steadily been growing over the past decade. New virtual effect processors and virtual instruments are constantly being developed.

VST 3 is a general rework of the long-serving VST Plug-in interface. It is not compatible with the older VST versions, but it includes some new features and possibilities. We have redesigned the API to make it not only far easier and more reliable for developers to work with, but have also provided completely new possibilities for Plug-ins. These include:

  • Improved Performance with the Silence Flag

Processing can optionally be applied to Plug-ins only when audio signals are present on their respective inputs, so VST 3 Plug-ins can apply their processing economically and only when it is needed:

  • Multiple Dynamic I/Os

VST 3 Plug-ins are no longer limited to a fixed number of inputs and outputs, and their I/O configuration can dynamically adapt to the channel configuration. Side-chains are also very easily realizable. This includes the possibility to deactivate unused buses after loading and even reactivate those when needed. This cleans up the mixer and further helps to reduce CPU load:

  • Sample-accurate automation

VST 3 also features vastly improved parameter automation with sample accuracy and support for ramped automation data, allowing completely accurate and rapid parameter automation changes:

  • Logical Parameter Organization

The Plug-in parameters are displayed in a tree structure. Parameters are grouped into sections which represent the structure of the Plug-in. Plug-ins can communicate their internal structure for the purpose of overview, but also for some associated functionality (e.g. program-lists):

  • Resizeable UI editor

VST 3 defines a way to allow resizing of the Plug-in editor by a user:

  • Note Expression

VST 3 defines with Note Expression a new way of event controller editing. The Plug-in is able to break free from the limitations of MIDI controller events by providing access to new VST 3 controller events that circumvent the laws of MIDI and provide articulation information for each individual note (event) in a polyphonic arrangement according to its noteId:

  • Factory Concept

VST 3 Plug-in library could export multiple Plug-ins and in this way replaces the shell concept of VST 2 (kPlugCategShell).

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, registered in Europe and other countries.


StudioRack Plugin Chainer

StudioRack Plugin Chainer free routing | wrapper by Waves

StudioRack Plugin Chainer is a free routing and wrapper plugin developed by Waves. Compatible OS(s): Windows, macOS.

StudioRack is a software rack designed to run plugin chains, giving you the choice of directing the processing to a SoundGrid DSP server or to your host computer’s CPU. When processing your plugin chains on SoundGrid, StudioRack lets you monitor your tracks in low latency via theeMotion ST Mixer. Compatible with most popular hosts, StudioRack has a dedicated component for Pro Tools TDM and HDX systems, giving you access to both Avid and Waves offload capabilities:

  • Compatible with most native DAWs.
  • Bridges Pro Tools HD and HDX DSP with the SoundGrid DSP server in order to process plugins in low latency while recording.
  • Compatible with Waves and third-party plugins.
  • Plugin chains used for low-latency monitoring are instantly available for mixing as well.
  • Up to 8 plugins per rack.
  • Fully automatable.
  • Presets for plugin chains can be saved to and loaded from any DAW.
  • Plugin chain presets saved on StudioRack can be loaded in MultiRack, and vice versa.
  • Quick access to plugin parameters within your chain.
  • Intuitive MIDI control over all plugins.
  • Avid Control Surface support.

{See video at top of page}



SAVIHost free host | wrapper by Hermann Seib

SAVIHost is a free host and wrapper application developed by Hermann Seib. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b.

[Image shows SAVIHost with Attack loaded]

SAVIHost is a derivative version of VSTHost that can be used to make any VST Effect or VSTi run like a standalone application.

This offers two major advantages:

  1. Effect or VSTi can be used (tested, checked or tried) easily and directly without the need or search for another host.
  2. Effect or VSTi can be distributed to be tested in a temporary directory without the need of the presence of another host or to search for a dedicated VSTPlugIns-subdirectory. The VSTi-dll can still be used within other hosts like Cubase, Sonar etc. when copied to that host’s VSTPlugins-subdirectory.

For use just rename SAVIHost.exe to the corresponding VSTi.dll e.g. if there is abc123.dll rename SAVIHost.exe to abc123.exe and this will run the VSTi.

Separate versions for VST 2, VST Module Architecture, and VST3 are available in 32- and 64-bit versions.



pMix free routing | wrapper by Oli Larkin

pMix is a free routing and wrapper plugin developed by Oli Larkin. Compatible OS(s): macOS.

pMix (short for preset mixer) is a new composition and performance tool that facilitates the control of multiple plugin parameters using an intuitive graphical interface.

pMix hosts four VST plugins and lets you interpolate between presets by navigating a 2D visual environment. Presets are represented by coloured balls that are positioned on a plane. The size of each ball and its proximity to the cursor affects the weight of the associated preset in the interpolation. pMix is easy to use and has some fun features such as automation, real time visual feedback and randomisation.

Made with Max/MSP for Pluggo


PluginWrapper for Percussa AudioCubes

PluginWrapper for Percussa AudioCubes free routing | wrapper by Percussa

PluginWrapper for Percussa AudioCubes is a free routing and wrapper VST, Audio Unit plugin developed by Percussa. Compatible OS(s): Windows, macOS.

PluginWrapper is a VST / AudioUnit effect / instrument plug-in developed specifically for the Percussa AudioCubes hardware. It hosts your favorite plug-ins, and automatically links their parameters to the 4 high speed and high sensitivity sensors of an AudioCube.

This means the user can create and shape sound using their hands and fingers. Color feedback is provided using the built in RGB lighting of the AudioCube(s). You can also sequence the colors in sync with your music using MIDI notes or CC messages. The plug-in works with all the major DAWs and can be used for sound design, music production, live performance.

Key Features:

  • Attach AudioCubes(s) automatically to plug-in or instrument parameters without MIDI mapping.
  • Control AudioCube colors via MIDI notes and continuous control messages.
  • Built in easy to use VST plug-in manager to scan and load your favorite plug ins inside the plug-in.
  • Easily lets you control your favorite plug ins using your hands and fingers and one or more AudioCubes.
  • Translate hand and finger gestures directly to new sounds.
  • Compatible with all the major DAWs.
  • Built in MIDI note to color and MIDI CC message to color functionality for visual feedback.


Pedalboard 2

Pedalboard 2 free routing | wrapper by Niall Moody

Pedalboard 2 is a free routing and wrapper plugin developed by Niall Moody. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b, macOS.

Pedalboard2 is a VST (plus AudioUnit on OS X) plug-in host designed for live use. Based on the JUCE ‘audio plug-in host’ code, heavily modified.

Key Features:

  • Modular patching.
  • All plug-in parameters can be manipulated in real time via MIDI CCs or Open Sound Control messages.
  • Any number of patches can be queued up and rapidly switched.
