Trans Computer Maschine is a free software synthesizer developed by Cescato Musiktechnologie. Available format(s): VST for Windows.
Trans Computer Maschine is a semi-modular Vintage Lead Synthesizer + Pattern Sequencer, firstly modelled after two legendary synths and a custom analogue sequencer from Germany:
3 Multi-Oscillators with Sawtooth, Triangle, Saw-Triangle and variable Pulse shapes. True analogue behaviour feat. accurate upper harmonics, phase isolation and drift.
Color adjustable Noise Generator.
3 mode Ring Modulator.
Advanced Sample/Hold section.
Selectable 2/3/4-pole resonant LP Filter with auto-oscillation and Bass Recover.
HP Filter with bus selection and linked mode for bandpass operation.
2 exponential Envelope Generators offering 3 operation modes.
Extended modulation routing including Multi-LFO and inverted sources.
Unique Sequencer features like ‘skip’ and ‘set’ can be played live from MIDI keyboard.
Inter-patch Sequencer pattern ‘Copy/Paste’ feature.
Fully MIDI controllable.
Fully VST automatable.
Kujashi Soundbank Demo 1
Kujashi Soundbank Demo 2