WrongMod is a free ring modulator VST plugin developed by Code Audio. Compatible OS(s): Windows.
WrongMod is an AM and FM modulation plugin for Windows based VST hosts.
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The Filtermate plugin was built as a “Rhythmic Filter Module”, as such it is designed for making automated or non automated filter processing to any given audio material that is fed into it with the minimum of controllers.
Basically it consists on a Clock driver that animates an LFO (Low frequency oscillator) which is coupled to a multimode filter and a mixer, a design very often found on the front panels of many vintage synthesizers, but this time as an independent plugin for you to tweak at your own will.
The Filtermate is fully automatable and has the ability to store 64 presets. It ships with a few already pre programmed ones that will show what its all about and may be the starting point to your individual creations.
Installation procedure: Unzip the file, then copy the DLLs into your VstPlugins folder.
SubRingFM is a ring modulator. It also has two filters for shaping the sound, plus a sub-octave generator. The oscillator can be manipulated using FM.
The effect runs through a pre-filter to the ring modulator to a post-filter and then into a sub-octave generator. You can use the pre-filter to reduce the number of harmonics in the input signal and use the post-filter to shape the resulting tone. The ring modulator oscillator is an FM oscillator, so the resulting output can be made to contain a very complex set of frequencies. This can then be shaped using the post-filter to get a really wide range of sounds. The sub-octave generator is then applied.
This is a dual filter bank with a ring modulator and distortion. For modulation, there are 2 LFOs and 2 step sequencers, plus the combiner module as seen in the noisebots. “TADF” stands for Total Audio Destruction Filter.
Ring is a ring modulator effect.
Price: Free.
Multiband Ringmod I is a multiple ring modulator based on frequency selection. It selects from the signal four frequency bands – Low; Middle Low; Middle High; High. Each band is modulated by the signal generated by the sum of the other three bands. The “Multiband Ringmod I pack” includes mono/stereo versions and a mono/stereo Knob Edition for live usage.
- 4 selectable frequency ranges:
- Low band (250/500 Hz).
- Middle-Low Band (500/2000 Hz).
- Middle-High Band. (2000/8000 Hz).
- High band (7000/16000 Hz).
- Bandwidth selection for Low/High-mid bands.
- Selective ring-modulation sources for each band.
- Mute-solo-bypass for each band.
- Additional gain for each band.
- MIDI learn.
MRingModulator performs standard ring-modulation effect using two oscillators.
- Continuously adjustable waveform shapes for both oscillators. Oscillators can also modulate each other to generate even more complicated shapes.
- Adjustable phase difference useful to perform some kind of stereo-expansion.
- Fully automatable.
- Global preset management – using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.
Gorgon is a savage distortion plugin with FM Ring Modulation, Metalizer Delay, Samplerate Reduction and Lowpass/Highpass Filters thrown into the signal path.
It also features a modulation section based on a signal follower, and an 8x oversampling option to reduce aliasing, all in a clean single-panel interface designed by Barry Prendergast.
To show you how nasty it can be, Gorgon comes loaded with 25 exclusive presets by acclaimed sound designer Ivo Ivanov of GLITCHMACHINES.
Features :
- Aggressive Overdrive.
- Powerful Ring Modulation with FM.
- Metalizer Delay.
- Lowpass/Highpass filter with Morphing Control.
- Samplerate Reduction.
- Modulation Section based on a Signal Follower.
- Optional 8x oversampling to reduce aliasing.
- 25 exclusive GLITCHMACHINES presets.
- MIDI Learn.
- MIDI Program Change support.
- Lifetime free updates for registered users.
The Collective 8 Audio Unit Bundle consists of three Audio Units: F8-V2, Mod8 and Res8. All three share a similar amplitude modulation sequence configuration. The audio stream is copied into 8 identical streams and an amplitude modulation pattern can be applied to each stream. The amplitude modulation patterns can be drawn to any shape, with an-easy-to use editing environment that automatically appears when hovering over the patterns with a mouse. Each stream also has filters or effects applied to it individually. The streams are then mixed back together.
The plug-ins:
- F8-V2 has LFOs, which are applied to highpass, bandpass or lowpass filters.
- Res8 has a choice of a driven, nonlinear, multi-stage filter or formant filters that can be independently applied to each audio stream.
- Mod8 has a range of modulation effects like vibrato and ring modulation. It also has echo, reverb, sub-octave, and pitch shifting.
The result is up to 8 different effects running all at the same time, each with its own settings and amplitude sequences. This layering gives unlimited options to create incredibly interesting effects, from intricate and wild effects, to rich, textured reverb, echo, chorus-type effects. The Collective 8 Audio Units come with hundreds of presets. Amplitude modulation patterns can be copied and pasted within each AU or between them.
AM106 is a Block module for use with the Native Instruments’ Reaktor Blocks Modular System.
An advanced Ring Modulator, with features such as Dry / Wet Mix Control, Polarity Flip Switches and Continuously Variable X Axis Curves, AM106 takes Audio and CV Mangling to a whole new level.
• 1 Reaktor Block
• Continuously Variable X Axis Curve Control (Crossfades between Exponential, Linear and Logarithmic Curves)
• Polarity Flip Switches
• Bypass Switch
• Dry / Wet Mix Control.https://amazingmachines.com.br/