EcolooP is a free sampler and slicer VST plugin developed by Midi Mobiles. Compatible OS(s): Windows.
EcolooP is a sampler tool that integrated some originals functions for recreating a new loop, pattern or song by recycling recorded sounds or by importing custom waves file or sliced wave files (EcoWav). Allowing to create or open Pre-existent instruments. There’s an administrator note mode with different possibilities to locking up sound.
A loop generator allowing to calculate tempo loop and save the informations in text files with time segments annexed to sounds files and save different data parameters for a sound…
I shall speak about it with more ample details soon.
P.S: A lot of sound files compatible with EcolooP already exist and EcolooP soundbank can be easily open for playing music with them…
Some video tutorial and documentation should follow.
The Midimobile blog is in the course of translation for Anglophiles user.
Check to my blog for download soundbanks and instructions for EcolooP.
Now, you can download the User Manual for EcolooP_Island 1.
If you are novice with EcolooP, Download EcolooPStartKit
Update 1.945 :
- New add-on to the GUI of the loop. When the loop is enabled, the display is selected (on the waveform with a red scrolled cursor to mark the position of playing of the selected sample).
- The retrigger button (orange square in a circular image) is now used to alternate the direction of playing).
- Improvement in response time when switching from a loop to another (vertical yellow buttons).
- Improvement of the internal core and CPU consumption.
Update 1.947:
- Reindexing samples (the samples 2-16 were set to 1 since the previous version).
- Fixed Gate / Trigger Sample 5.
- Tempo reconnection according to the Loop.
- Adding a new function Double-click on the setting Start / End Loop (on fine tuning slider, add compensation to the coarse setting).
- Improvement of the Count Layer (now takes the same sequence of notes with the same intensity).
- Fixed minor bug.
Update 1.951:
- Correction on separate MIDI files and drives ‘all’.
- Correction on the ‘midi in’ of the Slot 5.
- Correction on MIDI player slot 2.
- Added function patch.pat for MIDI players (for the creation of sound banks).
- Bug on MIDI file name changes resolved files when changing program (subject to having a MIDI file for the target).
- Deletions of Triggers / Gate when the notes are not listed in the note manager (in previous versions, the fact of playing a note unlisted activated playback of the entire sample).
- Safety on MIDI players (warns the user not to name non-existent MIDI file
and off modes players when patch.pat is disabled).- Refocusing slices windows.
- Adaptation of the yellow segments according to the Zoom and start sliders.
Update 1.952:
- Fix bug concerning the increment of Layer Count in each note-on.
- Redesign Layers options (Dynamic Layers and Count Layers).
* Ability to enable a layer for each slot by selecting the appropriate surf incon (pink and blue to dynamic and count layers)
* Counter number associated in each slot fot Count Layer (to the right of ti icon count layer in the surf blue bubble)
* The two colors can now share the text file file corresponding to the destination of the solt associated sample (mixture of two colors was violet in the earler version)
* The minimum value of the Count Layer is 1 and the maximum is the number of layers
* Start Layer matches the beginning after reset
* The layers now work correctly in ‘all sample’ mode:
- Review of Data Parameters (pitchoffset resolved).
- Review of Menu (deleting ‘Reset All Parameters Sample’).
Update 1.954:
- The 2 Layers can work together without problems now.
- New option in the ‘Dynamic Layer’ panel to select a range of notes in a slot.
* If you are having problems with the layers (no sound when it snaps a note). Refresh mode ‘One Sample’ and refresh the sample slot number:
- Correction on layer count numbers (blue bubble right of the surf icon ‘Count Layer’) that were unaware before the program changes. Now each program has its own layer count numbers on each slot.
Update 1.955:
- The same with the addition of the boot patch Ecoloop .fxb updated (in the EcolooP plugin repertory.
Update 1.959:
- Bug at segment transfer level to the sample mode cue start / End resolved.
- Improved MIDI triggers (sound well finished at the right time).
- The reset button resets the launch of Sample in MIDI mode.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Thank you for your interest brought to MIDImobiles plugins.