
jHammerEZ free compressor | eq by jhudstudio

jHammerEZ is a free compressor and eq VST, VST3, Audio Unit plugin developed by jhudstudio. Compatible OS(s): Windows 64b, macOS.


  • jHammerEZ supports Windows/64-bit/VST2/VST3 (VST3 will be uploaded later) Mac/64-bit/AU 32-bit will not be supported unless enough requests.
  • Use the noise gate to cut unwanted signal in between silent parts. Simply Thin/fat the sound, compress, de-ess, and clip it. Just that easy.
  • Hover over each knob or button to find out what it does.
  • Preset loader/save. I will be making presets at some point to add to the plugin.
  • Advanced controls. Added for those who want more control over settings. Example, attack and release settings for the compressor.
  • Change background color for both Main controls and Advanced controls. Currently there is only 2 color modes.

Donate? Donations help motivate me to make more free plugins. I will appreciate whatever donation about is giving.
