AutoTonic Player is a free chorder plugin developed by AutoTonic. Compatible OS(s): Windows, macOS.
The ‘Player’ version is based on AutoTonic Modal MIDI Transposer‘s patented modal transposing technology, but limited by a Fixed Preset Bank. This version also uses emojis instead of scale names and has a TicTacToe game built in, which make it even more unique to use. This version is not a demo and will not expire or such…
- Unlimited playing experience.
- No time restrictions, authorization-free.
- Dozens of scale/tonic combinations.
AutoTonic Player Manual: AutoTonic-Player_Manual.pdf
Mac Setup Instructions: AutoTonic-Setup-Mac.pdf
PC Setup Instructions: AutoTonic-Setup-Win.pdf:
- MIDI I/O must be set up on every launch.
- No Scale Browser, No Menu functions.
- No customizations (All Fixed) etc.
Some words by the developer: {See video at top of page}
Find AutoTonic’s fully functional Full Version here: